Friday, May 1, 2009


So for a while now I have been following other people's blogs and it seems to be the thing to do these days (blogging that is). Those people who's blogs I follow include one of my good friend's from high school that I miss, one of my sister's good friends, one of the greatest teachers I've ever had and her son (who just so happens to be married to that good friend of mine), and I cannot forget one of the greatest people I've ever known, just so happens that I've yet to get her blog to load although she recently announced it on FB, yes Liz that's you. I almost feel like a stalker, in a way anyway, I mean I follow what these people say online but I'm not sure the last time I saw them in person...weird huh? I guess that speaks volumes about the day and age we are experiencing. Again, here I am, randomly talking, which I do so well. Just thought I would share my inspiration for beginning this adventure. So here I am.


Keelie said...

HOT DOG! I was just thinking (literally--just) Kevin needs a blog...I am going to tell him so. Glad you've made it to blogland.
SO agree with you about the weirdness of knowing all about people but never seeing them..

Um, am I your good friend from HS? hehehe...

I miss you, too.

klg0816 said...

Of course that's you and I feel you're better than "good".

Liz J said...

I miss you too! I don't even remember the last time I got together with you or talked to you on the phone. Sad face.

We need to hang out, yo!