Friday, December 18, 2009
The "Jew"
So my frustration lies in the fact that this client went without her request, to which I profusely apologized and, especially since, we normally have such bandanas. I mean afterall, there's not just one Jewish family that frequents Windhaven.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Loving Texas
So, work is good, nothing is more fulfilling than working for a paycheck, I say this because I was without one for some time. I'm happy to have seen our first snow. Actually, I was quite shocked by that. I did a double take when I looked out the window, I recalled the weatherman that night saying we wouldn't get any winter precip, then it happened. IT ACTUALLY SNOWED HERE FIRST!!!! Although Kansas has seen much worse things since that day, it was nice to experience it. My only wish is to experience it more this season, I may be alone in that but it's true no less.
Speaking of work, it's been a little awkward going back. There's a new manager and given I was able to get my job back, I took my place as the highest paid employee. So, it's awkward when I hear they are now budget conscious because I feel it's partially because of me. So it's strange when this new person comes up to me and asks if I want a certain day off. Granted I'm always given the choice, but I know I cost the hospital more than the others. I should add I'm not always the target but I KNOW when I'm asked, it's "hoped" that I'll either leave early or take a day off. So that sucks but life is good at the moment. Just wanted to share!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's Good To Be Home...
Today, while at my parent's, my niece Emma had me "chase" her while she was riding a tricycle (it's WAY too small for her by the way, so not much "chasing" going on). Nevertheless, I obliged and followed her to the front of the house, along the sidewalk. She noticed some, I guess, etching(?) in the sidewalk and proceeded to point it out while reciting her ABC's. After she finished, I told her that what she was pointing at was something her mommy and I did when our parent's built that house when the cement was still "wet". I guess that was something I forgot about until Emma pointed it out. You can clearly see..."Kevin '90" in the sidewalk. Emma wondered why her name wasn't there, which is when I came to the realization that that house was built almost 20 years ago, before she ever became the light in her mother's eye...and my family's for that matter. I'm not sure she understood what I was saying, but seeing that part of the sidewalk kinda made me emotional. Suddenly I noticed the age of the place, the bricks don't look the same, the yard doesn't look the looked older. I remember when that house, my "always" home, was built. I remember coming back from vacation that year to see it had been framed, playing hide n seek in it before it was finished out, being outside the garage when I heard Garth Brooks "Friends in Low Places" for the first time (it had just been released shortly before construction...yeah I know). However, I never saw this house as old, until today. I'm just grateful that another generation has the opportunity to see it as...home. I miss Gunter...yeah, I said it.
TWOC: Christmas Shopping
Ok, getting back to Christmas shopping...only ONCE have I done my shopping last minute and the crowds were enough to ward me off from it for life. People are hysterical and ridiculous when it comes to shopping just before the holidays. However, those people also come across as sane individuals compared to those who do the whole "Black Friday" fiasco. Chaos reigns supreme on that particular date and I would rather be homeless than have to shop on that day. Having worked in retail, I've seen first hand how disgusting people can be. For me, I may have had a better grasp of the situation, I mean some of them were trying to get a good deal on the ONLY thing their child/niece/grandchild wanted that year. Who doesn't want to make a child's Christmas that much brighter? However, resorting to name calling, pushing/shoving, even fighting is uncalled for. To be honest, I'd rather buy everything online than have to deal with people in the stores. It's so much more cozy...imagine if you will, a nice hot cup of coffee (with holiday creamer), listening to Christmas music and buying gifts for the people you love online in the safe, comfortable location that is your home. It's nice. Trust me, do'll thank me later lol.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Hotel
Let me start by saying it was cheap, like super cheap. However, I will NEVER again stay at Homestead Suites in Plano. I knew given the price it would be an experience but hell, it was only for one night. I killed 5 bugs, I suppose housekeeping left the window open and that's how they got in? I'm gonna go with that one. They weren't roaches though, but still. I should have complained or something, perhaps got the room for free but whatever. I just went with it. Got up the next morning (did not sleep under the covers by the way lol) and got things underway to get moved in.
Creekside Homes at Legacy
We lived here for a couple years, so I was not only familiar with the staff but the complex as well. It is very close to my job and they're nice apartments. So that was all a bonus. I fortunately got my lease signed prior to the movers calling, so I had enough time to check out the apartment. Nice, hardwood floors in the kitchen and bathroom. It's not too big but it's a mansion compared to that hotel room. Movers came and went, it was nice to have all the old furniture back even though we got rid of A LOT of stuff, which is nice...means LESS to unpack! It had to wait though, afterall I started work the very next morning.
Back at Work
It was such a relief to be back somewhere familiar, working with people I know, for people I know and with clients I know. It's like I never left, it's comfortable. So, without a hitch, I was back into my routine and it felt good. Hero, however, is not back into the routine. He's had to go to work with me EVERYDAY this week because he can't seem to get used to staying home alone. I can literally hear him SCREAMING from the parking lot! It's frustrating but not unexpected.
New Delivery
Seam decided it was time to buy a washer and dryer, which I agreed with. Afterall, we had been renting them for the last several years, needless to say, with what we'd been paying, we could've ALREADY owned them lol. By the way, I'm well aware of the stupidity in renting's ok. So he scheduled them to be delivered on Tuesday. Let's just say this, I NEVER realized just how complicated a washer and dryer can be to operate. They are front loaders with NUMEROUS cycles, options, buttons, sounds, etc, etc. Nice but I would've been just fine with the plain janes, that's ok though. In addition to the washer & dryer, he also got us a 54" plasma TV and Blu Ray player. So, expensive delivery but very nice. Just wish I wasn't the only one enjoying them at the moment but that will change soon.
So now, I'm back to blogging. I've missed several TWOC posts but hope to get back into it this week. I'm so HAPPY to be more ways than one!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Moving back to Texas....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My 30th Birthday...
At first glance, the hotel didn't seem that nice; however, upon entering, things quickly changed. It's a very beautiful hotel, the amenities are lovely. Yes, I said lovely. So getting to my reason for THIS hotel...the BATHROOM! Yes, I know, strange but true. Plus, we had a 42" plasma HDTV on the wall, beautiful furnishings, etc. Ok...the bathroom, well actually, just the shower LOL...a huge walk in shower made of marble with a glass door. It also included a mosaic on the side wall, however the most wonderful part...a rain shower head on the ceiling AND a regular shower was similar to being under a waterfall. Yes, I was excited about a shower...go ahead, laugh! LOL! Ok, so the rest of the hotel is just awesome as well. This place has 4 restaurants and one coffee shop, once we arrived we ate at the traditional casino buffet. It was actually a little different than any other buffet I've ever been to, I say that because they also had freshly made sushi AND Pho...pronounce Fa, although I say it like Fuh lol, it's a Vietnamese soup and if you've never had it TRY it, although I typically like Pho ga, which is chicken. Anyway, so the meal was good and no I didn't have Pho but it was a nice surprise. Then after a quick nap, we gambled and I lost $160 that night...I just kept telling myself, it's my birthday LOL!
The next day, my birthday, we set out to eat lunch at one of the restaurants featured on Diners, Drive Ins and was something I've always wanted to do, I know high aspirations. Mama's 39th Street Diner was our destination, we got there..."closed for maintenance"! Seriously?!?! So as we're headed to another restaurant from that show, Seam saw something on the iPhone about Arthur Bryant's BBQ, we opted to go there. I mean, afterall, I was told, when in Kansas City, "YOU. MUST. EAT. BARBECUE." So we did and it was delicious. Per a suggestion from Facebook, I ate a burnt ends open faced sandwich...AWESOME! After that we headed back to the hotel/casino. There was no cake or real celebration, just a night of alcohol and gambling. Of course, Seam doesn't drink so I was the one who drank 2 bottles of wine...yes TWO...hey, you only turn 30 once. Actually, had I been in TX and unable to vacation anywhere, I'd have drank much more except I'd be surrounded by friends and family. Ok, nevermind, even without alcohol I'd rather have been surrounded by friends and family than be at this casino. Sorry Seam. However, it was a nice little trip and very much appreciated!
On Tuesday, we got up, checked out of the hotel and headed back to Wichita. Along the way, we stopped at Perkin's. It's similar to IHOP, except they are also known for their pies. It was a nice ending. I know, not many would think eating at a place like that should be deemed a "nice ending" to a short vacation. However, let me explain. During my internship at Disney, we would often go to a Perkin's there, after work, to unwind and eat. I haven't been to a Perkin's since my internship ended in 2003, it brought back a lot of memories and made me miss THOSE people and THAT place even more. So, yes, it was nice.
So, here I am 30 years old, stuck in Wichita, KS for another 4 months. LOL, although, I must say, slowly but surely, I'm gaining a greater appreciation for the state of Kansas. I know, it's true.
Monday, October 12, 2009
TWOC: Christmas Memories

The very first time I heard this album, I was very young. My parent's bought it (on cassette no less) because my Dad is a HUGE fan of Alabama. It was played. We got to the one song called, "Santa Claus (I Still Believe in You)." I remember my mom began bawling when it came to the one line..."Grandma and Grandpa, looking young and loving life cause they know their grandkids are gonna be alright." Mind you my mother had recently lost her be honest, I can't believe I remember that evening. However, that night resonates to this day. You ask any member of my immediate family about this album and they know, not only the words but the music as well. Seriously, ask my sister..."Who is Thistle Hair?" and she will promptly reply with, "The Christmas Bear"...almost without hesitation. This album seriously means a lot to me and my family. It's very true lol. It's a bit strange perhaps, but the same verse of the same song makes me just as teary-eyed as my mother after having also lost my grandfather, or more affectionately called Pappaw.
It's not just that one song though, it's all of them. I think I could, literally, sing ALL of them! You know they say certain sounds, smells, etc, can trigger a memory. It may be a little odd but this particular album is almost like looking through a scrapbook of memories when it's being played. It has definitely become a family tradition. I truly believe years from now, my family will continue to listen to this same Christmas album. I highly recommend it. Actually, I'm not even sure you can still buy it, I mean afterall it did come out in the late 80s...however, it's just not Christmas at our house without it!
For a little taste of it, listen to the following...TURN IT's a video from 1987, sorry I couldn't find any other way to post it. However, it's still great, just turn it up and listen closely lol!
The other album I listen to is Josh Groban's "Noel"....let me just say, "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" and "Little Drummer Boy" are my favorites, along with the usual "O Holy Night". I must recommend this album as is so wonderful. Then again, it's one I sing to lol, so I hope it's as great to you as it is to me! Although living in a hotel this holiday season, I may just need to head out to my car to get the full effect LOL!
So I decided to post a little of "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" sung by Josh Groban, unfortunately all I could find is an old video from Regis & Kelly's show...sorry. So here it is...
Once again, confused? Look here!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Emma Lynn Brown...

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Weather
Friday, October 9, 2009
A Hodgepodge of Posts

1. It's cold here and I love it. I realize it's some rogue Canadian air mass moving through the area but I love it. There's a "Special Weather Advisory" just released here in Kansas basically's gonna be super cold and this is just a taste of what's to come...I cannot wait! They even say there's a chance of freezing drizzle...what, in OCTOBER?!?! WOOHOO! I even had to go buy a coat specifically for this upcoming weather. Oh and we're having homemade potato soup tomorrow, complete with cornbread and a salad (possibly a sandwich per Seam). I can't wait to open my Peppermint Cocoa, I need a reason and this might be it.
2. I went to Walmart last night in preparation for #3 below. I went to checkout at the "self checkout". This woman and her young daughter come up to my little checkout area, so close we were basically sharing the same oxygen, it was uncomfortable and I let her know that via my side-eye glance. When I completed my transaction, I left my hand-held basket, why you ask? Because this woman was so close I'd have to invade HER personal space just to get it, let's face it, this is Kansas (no offense), she should have been on that website, you know the one to which I'm referring. Anyway, as I left she says, "Wow, you left your basket, how nice" which I reply, "Yes, I sure did." What I REALLY wanted to say was, "You were obviously so anxious to check out that I felt the LEAST you could do was put it away yourself." However, this is a Kansas woman at Walmart, I'm not sure what she's capable of...again, no offense. Damn, a picture needed to be taken for, well, that website.
3. Seam bought some "Halloween" box 'o cake for yours truly to bake. It took place today and was interesting. My first thought when he brought it home was..."What the heck?!?! I have a toaster oven!" Still, I attempted it. I purchased 2 square 8X8 disposable cake pans (of all things, Christmas themed)...mixed it up, baked it. Now I live is to learn and to "try" is to fail ONCE. Well...I tried. I must have overfilled one of the cake pans because it didn't turn out as planned (it was only filled HALFWAY, ugh). However, might I add, icing is the BEST cover up! So now I have two small cakes, one good, the other decent. We won't even eat it all. Again, I ask..."Why buy this?" Oh and incidentally he bought two tubes of "Halloween" cinnamon rolls as well. Also a container full of Halloween candy will NEVER get used. All this from a person who "doesn't eat sweets." Go figure.
4. I'm becoming increasingly fed up with the gentleman (term used loosely) staying across from us. He continuously let's his dog out the exit door...WITHOUT a leash, running freely. The dog's name is Rusty, he's an older lab. Ok, so the dog is behaved and does not run off. HOWEVER, I too have a dog and, while he's "behaved", he doesn't take kindly to this other dog running up to him and sniffing his no-no place...if you know what I'm sayin'. So, yeah, it's annoying.
5. My 30th birthday is a week from Monday. I'm okay with turning 30, I'm looking at it as a turning point, of sorts, in my life. By that, I mean, I need to get my "stuff" together, to put it lightly. I feel like I've spent my 20s doing a whole lot of not much, I mean especially since I have nothing really to show for it. I want to not only take better care of myself but live for a better life. All this being said, how do I celebrate? We're stuck in Kansas, there's nothing to see or do here. We currently live in a hotel and the last thing I want to do is go stay in another one lol...unless it's in Orlando, let me make myself clear lol. What to do? What to do? I might actually just ask for new tires...I know, exciting.
6. For those who may be beer drinkers, I became a "fan" of Shiner Bock beer on Facebook (I know, judging from my previous post regarding this, it's unbelievable lol). They recently released their "Holiday Cheer" version, I hope I can find it here in Wichita. While I don't drink beer THAT much, this one is a good one. It's made with peaches and pecans....soooo good. Anyway, just a thought LOL.
7. Speaking of Holiday Cheer, you may have seen my previous post regarding my special list for visiting Disney during the holidays. Well, they just released a new 4 nights/tickets at a Moderate/Deluxe resort, get 3 nights/tickets FREE or buy 5 nights/tickets at a Value resort, get 2 nights/tickets FREE. It cannot be beat and the best's AVAILABLE during those first two weeks of December I mentioned earlier! Alright, maybe I'm the only one excited about it and, the sad thing is, I'm still excited about it and won't be able to take advantage of it LOL! So anyway, if you can dream it, do it...that's what Disney's all about.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
My "Grown Up" DISNEY Christmas List

- Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party
- Experience "Holidays Around the World" at EPCOT
- See the Lights of Winter
- Tree Lighting at EPCOT--AWESOME!
- Candlelight Processional
- Get hot chocolate and gingerbread at the Liberty Inn's life-sized (sorta) gingerbread house
- Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights
- Hear Mickey read Twas The Night Before Christmas
- Listen to carolers throughout the parks
- Marvel at the extensive holiday decor, you just cannot imagine...amazing
- Of course, EVERYTHING else you always do at WDW
So in case you're wondering why the heck I'm making a Christmas list here in the beginning of October, then check out the 12 Weeks of Christmas over at Red Writing! Just click below....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Visual Art
That's right folks, I had to scan my sketch and email it. I mean, how else would I get it to UNT when I'm here in Kansas? Fortunately, I have a scanner.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Four Paws From Heaven

The Cave
Please ignore the laundry baskets in the background and the organized chaos. As I've said before, storage is an issue. Oh and the leather's always directly next to the bed. The reason: Hero. He wants up on the bed, so we had to come up with something since his front right's made of pure gold, about $4k worth (Ok not really, it's fitted with titanium screws and plates...same diff). Besides it's cheaper than buying freakin' stairs for pets...those things cost around $70!! I can deal with the chair next to the bed, it will do. Tangent, I know, I apologize.
So this is my home for the next 5 months. I miss apartment living, in previous posts, I berated I miss it. Funny how things work.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall is here....
So this evening, I had to take a quick trip to Dillon's (aka Kroger) to pick up a few things. When I stepped out of the car, my first thought was...crap, I need to buy some jeans. My second thought, as I walked into the store, was THANK YOU FALL! The smell was almost overwhelming. I could smell apple cider and something cinnamon-y baking in the bakery. It was nice. I LOVE FALL!!!
Who can't say they love it? Oh wait, I know one person I used to work with who probably wishes it was still 102 degrees outside. Haha. You can't win 'em all.
Aside from Fall itself, I must admit I was a failure at something this week. I had fully intended on participating in a Fall Wreath Party contest on a friend's blog. I did not follow through, I came close but only ended up buying 1 thing (incidentally a really nice fall decoration already, which was to be deconstructed and reconstructed onto a wreath). So, I admit it, I failed. HOWEVER, the holiday season is coming upon us soon and I hope to redeem myself...*wink* *wink*....*nudge* *nudge*. Haha.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wichita Winter
Ok so, Wichita generally sees a high in December of 43 on average and a low of 24, and in's even colder. Alright so, generally speaking, it's around 10-15 degrees cooler than what I'm used to. Can I just say...FINALLY!!! I know it's only Kansas but I am SO hoping for a blizzard warning or something of the like...I LOVE COLD WEATHER AND THE PRECIP!! I just don't want to drive in it LOL. We'll see how that goes. As for now, we will be going to Burlington Coat Factory for our coats, I know prestigious but what else is there here? I just keep thinking, dang I need more winter clothing, which means a shopping extravaganza is on it's way. Oh, did I mention how much I hate shopping? Oh well, I think I have one pair of jeans that made it here. I know, awesome planning.
I'm just looking forward to colder weather. I mean what can I say, I'm hot by nature. ;0)
Hotel Housekeeping

Take today...I could NOT for the life of me get Lucy out from under the bed. I only spent 30 mins and decided I'd leave a note for housekeeping. You know, just letting them know she's under there. I wouldn't want them to freak out because some "giant rat" came running out from under the bed. Lucy is very petite. So, Hero and I leave. Generally, I would take him to a park, we'd get me some lunch. He'd beg, only getting his cup o' water. Spend a couple hours, doing not too much and come back to a freshly cleaned room. Today was different. It's raining, so we spent TWO HOURS sitting in my car!!! Granted there was some driving around, but damn, it was extremely boring. We came back, housekeeping had yet to enter...UGHHHHHHHHHHH! I think at that point, I might've cursed them to a life of scrubbing toilets, but I can't be sure. Of course, I can't fault them for it, they're just doing their job and I'm the one impeding it...whatever. So we left again and came back in an hour. It had been cleaned...THANK GOODNESS. They replenished the towels, toilet paper (who cares, I buy my own), Kleenex, trash bags and, oh, wait....paper towels? That's right, they did not replenish the PAPER TOWELS! Alright, so I'm being a spoiled brat, who cares. WHO THE EFF, pardon my language, LEAVES THREE PAPER TOWELS ON A ROLL?!?!?!?! Again, I know I'm being ridiculous, but what did they think..."Oh 3 paper towels, they're good for a week"...huh? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind buying some, it's not the biggest issue in the world, obviously, but c'mon...seriously?
Like I said before, I know it sounds silly, it's just irritating. It's a fiasco just so they can come clean the room...I swear, I don't know what's worse, being a housekeeper at a hotel or me, getting it "ready" for housekeeping....ok, don't answer that, I know the answer lol. I suppose I should be grateful...well, I would be if I had a full roll of paper towels! They even threw away the half roll of toilet paper...ugh, wasteful much? Ok, rant is done.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kansas State Fair
Ok, this fair gratified a bit of my mild infatuation with the Texas State Fair. I only wish we had pictures. However, Seam left our camera on some weird setting that made ALL of our pictures OVEREXPOSED! Ok, well, some weren't but who needs to see goats and pigs in the petting zoo, geez. By the way, should you be planning to attend the Texas State Fair this year...PLEASE, have a corn dog for me. Do not let me know you had it or describe it to me, just eat one for me! They're just not the same here, then again...nothing is.
**AMISH PEOPLE LIVE HERE! Again, no disrespect BUT I've never actually seen an Amish community. So, on our way home, we continuously saw these warning signs...
...I kept thinking, would it be super disrespectful to drive down those roads AND take pictures? Yeah, probably so, which I understand. However, I'm fascinated and, a bit, jealous. I'm not familiar with the lifestyle, at all, but it would be interesting to experience/see it. Hmmm, maybe I'm alone in that lol.
Sour Cream Beef Enchiladas
aka Mary's Enchilada's
1lb ground round
1tbsp minced onion
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp black pepper
1/2c Cheddar Cheese
1/2c Jack Cheese
1/2can Cheddar Cheese Soup
8oz Sour Cream
8oz Rotel tomatoes (drain but reserve some juice)
Of course...Flour tortillas & Sauce (see below)
Preheat oven to 375. Spray a casserole dish with Pam or butter it or go willy nilly and use Dawn later. Place first four ingredients into a pan, brown & drain. Add the next five ingredients and combine. Place as much as you want into a flour tortilla and roll, place in casserole dish. BEFORE you put this in the oven, let's make the good stuff, the sauce that is....
1can Cheddar Cheese soup
1 small can Evaporated milk
8oz Sour Cream
SOME Rotel juice
Shredded Cheddar/Jack cheese (Quantity? your decision...see, it is good)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and pour over the top of the enchiladas. NOW, place them in your preheated oven and bake until bubbly.
Last time I personally made these, I used shredded chicken instead of beef...awesome, maybe even better. Oh and incidentally, it's difficult for me to describe a recipe to people because, well, simply put, I rarely follow them lol. So should you opt to try this recipe, I hope you will not blame me if they don't turn out delicious...just means I'm a better cook! JUST KIDDING! =)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anyone else watch this show? I love it! I'm not sure why, I can't quite explain it but I love it lol. After seeing them cover "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey in the pilot episode, I was hooked. It's funny, tongue-in-cheek, bright and it includes musical numbers from pop music...who wouldn't like it? Well I ran across this message board where some mother's were saying how they thought it was a family show but after the sexual references in the first episode of the season, they've decided it's no longer to be watched in their homes. Mind you, some of these parent's referred to their children as "tweens"....yes I had to look it up, "WTH is a tween anyway," I thought. Ok so basically these are NOT 4yo kids watching this show, got it. The strange thing is, I don't recall any sexual references in that episode, none. Then again, I'm almost 30 and never had a sheltered life so maybe I didn't think anything of it. That being said, tonight's episode included a cover of Color Me Badd's "I Wanna Sex You Up"...I shudder to think what these parent's think of this show now. What's even funnier, that song was popular when I was a "tween". I guess somehow things are different nowadays...whatever.
Anyway, if you've never seen the show, I think you should give it a shot. It's a nice change of pace and, yes, it's a bit musical.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Riverside Park
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Dream Kitchen

Yep, that's our kitchen...awesome right? Literally, there's nothing else...that's it. I've actually thought about creating a blog called...The Culinary Kitchenette. Ehh, it would take more time and effort than I'm willing to give at this point LOL. So for now, just imagine me cooking in this thing. Although I have made....burritos, quesadillas, Chicken Tetrazinni and, now, orange chicken. Finger's crossed it's edible.
FYI: I must add that should the orange chicken NOT be edible, please do not let that deter yourself from checking out the blog A Year of Slow Cooking. See I added my own "flair" so to speak, so if it's bad, it's my fault not hers. Check it out!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
So what if I am...
So far, I know where the Target, Walmart, Dillon's (aka Kroger), McAlister's Deli, um and McDonalds are. Yeah, no sign of Starbucks YET. However, let me explain, since being here, I haven't really been able to leave this damn hotel. Hero is making that difficult. Sure I could just leave BUT I'm not convinced he will be ok alone, he growls and does this whole "muffled bark" thing when I am here. If I'm gone and unable to control that issue, he would go full out screechy/barky/ANNOYING! (2 complaints against him and we're out) So, I'm stuck until Seam gets home and then it's the end of the day and I'm so spent on being BORED all day that I can't make a decision on where to go LOL. Take this afternoon for example, I drove around, literally JUST DROVE AROUND and ended up at the damn grocery store AGAIN. I bought a few things and came home. There is a Michael's just down the street, I said I'd be making crafts (yes I still plan to, hello Sept 22nd comes soon!) and I've yet to even get there LOL. I'm feeling a little lost here to say the least. Tomorrow we're planning to take Hero out with us somewhere, not sure where yet but SOMEWHERE.
Good things to come though, I can feel it...
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wichita, KS
Just about everything is unpacked, the things that are left are things we need more space for, I just didn't feel like dealing with it today. My computer is up and running, the wi-fi is connected for Seam's laptop AND Tivo, as we speak, is downloading the channel information (finger's crossed). Some normalcy seems to be seeping into life in Wichita and it's only Day 3, it's a little encouraging. Now I just need to adjust to cooking in a "kitchenette" with no real oven. Hello crockpot and toaster oven, you will be my friends for the next several months. (I even saved a website for a Thanksgiving dinner via toaster over...yeah, can you imagine? lol)
Oh did I mention that this hotel is within a mile of the airport? Yeah, it's not so bad inside, I mean you can hear the planes but it's nothing terribly bad. However, if you are outside and you see a plane coming in for a landing, you literally feel the need to duck and cry. It's serious when you can actually see the plane's to come. The company has offered to move us to a different place due to the area (which isn't really bad, just old) and the airport; however, given that the new location would cause us to do more highway driving, we opted to stay in this location. The reason: Winter....I know I can't drive if it's icy and even LESS so if it's on a highway.
More to come...
Monday, August 31, 2009
From Public Storage to Dyson
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A chapter closed...
It's strange, I'm not quite convinced that I no longer work there, I suppose it will hit me in a couple of days. It's been difficult to say the least. I'm not just leaving a job behind, I'm leaving really, really great people and, most importanly, great friends. I realize we'll always be friends and I'm happy for that BUT I will no longer see these people everyday. We won't talk everyday. Maybe I'm being silly, just a little emotional I suppose. It's not as though I'm leaving one job for another, it's more than that...I'm moving far away from everything that is familiar. Hence, this chapter of my life being closed. Wichita, KS will never really be home, I'm sure I'll go through withdrawals lol, but home is where the heart is and I cannot stress it enough, my heart has been there since July 13th.
All this being said...more packing to do, more cleaning to do and NEVER enough time!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The dumpster is my friend...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Speaking of being overwhelmed, I never knew just how many sets of scrubs I had until today. It's seriously unbelieveable. What's truly amazing is that I've already turned in some scrubs, where did they all come from? I'm just stressed with everything right now.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Almighty Cell Phone...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The night of July 25th
As far as the party goes, we had a nice turn out. A lot of new people from work stopped by, which was a nice change of pace; however, were they not to come, it still would have been awesome. I think the point I'm trying to get at, but clumsily stalling is...I will really miss these people. They are my coworkers, my friends who know me for me and will stand by my side regardless. My wish is that by me leaving my job, things won't change too much. I only hope they know that I'll never be the same after having met them...nevermind being without them for 6 months. Mushy right? Well, it's true.
Ok moving on to more bitchy posts...
What is old?
Ya know...sometimes, you just have to wipe off the dust and suddenly everything becomes new again.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The great debate...
Ok, well this debate is all in my head. It's also very simple...well to you maybe LOL.
What exactly should I be taking to Kansas? I mean besides the obvious, what "extras" do I take to help the place feel more like "home"? It's odd that the things I'm debating the most are my kitchen appliances. It's odd how everything suddenly became more important, even though I don't use them as often as I should. Case in KitchenAid mixer. I've used it mainly to make mashed potatoes...DELICIOUS mashed potatoes but still. I should be baking my ass off with it (which would be awesome), however, when you see the ingredients you have to buy and then the waste the product will be because you know you won't eat it becomes a waste of time and money to bake. Mashed potatoes however, that's reason enough. Afterall, the only oven I will have in Kansas is a toaster oven! The other reason it's an issue...we have a few friends that will be taking some of our stuff, only for the time we're in KS. Isn't it strange how such things suddenly have meaning to you but only when it's possibly going to be used by someone else? I suppose that question has more connotations than a KitchenAid mixer, but you get the gist. I've also been accused of being a bit of a pack rat, I mean I did, within the last few months, finally get rid of all my notes/tests/projects/etc from, oh about 8th grade through college. Yes, it was a disaster but it's something to consider.
Anyway, seriously....Crock pot, blender, food processor, mixer, stock pot, wok, all my knives, my utensils....UGH. There is no storage in that hotel and no room, hence my dilemma. I know it's silly but it's just on my mind tonight, since I'm going to try and figure it all out tomorrow. Wish me luck...I will need it. Afterall, anyone that's sentimental/worried about a mixer obviously needs help. LOL
Monday, July 13, 2009
At home alone...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Potpourri of Posts
1. I saw a woman tonight driving a scooter down Preston, in a dress and texting on her cell phone. Genius. Hey, at least she was wearing a helmet for when has an accident and, mark my words, she will have an accident. People can't even text while driving a car at 40mph, much less a freakin' scooter! Oh and let's not get into the fact she was driving a motorcycle-type vehicle in a dress...classy.
2. I'm feeling very sad and not all that physically well this weekend. It's not the best combo. I just keep telling myself, in two months, everything will be sorted out and we'll be able to move on as a unit again.
3. After putting in my notice at work, I'm thankful I'm leaving. I see it as a "kick in the pants"-type thing, primarily because I never looked at what I do as a career. It was to be a "stepping stone" to bigger and better things. At some point during the last 4 years, I found myself in a rut known as Windhaven. It's sad because I feel I've made amazing friendships there and they've given me A LOT as an employee. I guess you'd say it's bittersweet but completely for the best.
4. Speaking of Windhaven, many people have asked if I will go back to work there once we move back to the area. Well for starters, I'm not even sure we'll be living in the Dallas area but, more importantly, after recent events, I don't feel it's really an option. You see, once they sold the practice to a corporation, the "management" (if you can call it that) has found themselves under a budget in a less-than-stellar economy. At one time, I was offered a leave of absence and was told, on more than one occasion, that it was available to me. However, when bringing it up to said "management" during my review fairly recently, things got weird. I was told they would have to speak to this corporation regarding it. It's BS since this corporation is a "hands off" company, nothing has "changed" and Dr. Shuffield will continue to be the person hiring, etc. So I quickly realized that by me leaving, they will be saving over $1000 per month. I certainly hope that when "management" gets their bonus, they see my face stamped on it with a big "Fuck you". Sorry, this is in no way intended for the ONE person I feel is a manager and a know who you are should you read this. To her...I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm always, always on your side. (As a side note, I'm not bitter, just aggravated with this place)
5. I have many people to train and, so far, I love the people that have been hired. I regret only having a month and half to get to know them.
6. Kansas? Of all the states in the US, it's one I've never even had the desire to visit and yet I'm moving there. Ok, granted it's only for 6 months but I will say this, there is a rhyme and a reason for everything. This too is part of the big picture, I will just take it as it comes and enjoy what I can. Who knows.
7. Scared Hitless, my softball team, has an official record of 1-4-1. Although we have that one game we tied, we're still tied for last place in the league since it doesn't count as a win. I have to say that since we stopped practicing, we've begun to really suck (for lack of a better word). I mean the worst team in the league beat us a couple of weeks ago. It was an embarrassment to say the least. I figure everyone deserves a win, I just wish it wasn't against us! As for practicing, many on the team won't commit to it so my opinion is...when we lose because we're sucking it up, those people that are bitching about the loss should think about actually practicing...those same people being the ones that can't commit. Frustrating really.
8. I've become increasingly frustrated with certain people on Facebook. I'm not even referring to those individuals that choose to support ignorant things by becoming a "fan" as previously blogged. Instead, I'm frustrated with some people that have become a "friend" but choose not to acknowledge my comments to things such as their pictures, etc. Perhaps I'm being silly, but I can't help but think that it has something to do with me, personally. A small aspect of my life that they disagree with, something so minuscule in the grand scheme of things regarding me as a person. If that's truly the case, I would just delete them because I have better friends than they ever were, regardless of the fact I've known this person (and been a true friend) since I was 5 years old. Aside from that person, I see a person commenting on others status', pics, etc that actually deleted me on Myspace. She even gave me a reason/lengthy message for deleting me on Myspace. I think it's HILARIOUS that she actually believes she's a "holier-than-thou person" given her past. I was deleted for being "something" I did not choose, however, I am the person I am and, not only have I accepted that, but the people I love and consider my "family" feel the same. That being said, I feel that the life I've lead is worthy of everything she says I'm not. It's unfortunate that a, literal, CRACK WHORE, thinks she's above me. She shall remain nameless but, I hope she knows, she too will be judged as she has judged me. Sad really. Speaking of judging, turnabout is fair play...I'm LITERALLY so much better than her, it makes me laugh. No one that reads this is that person I must say, some of you may be "friends" with her on FB though...beware.
9. I invite you to watch Tying The Knot and For The Bible Tells Me So. If you don't want to, that's ok, I don't judge you. I just figure given what was just blogged regarding someone that decided I was not worthy of being a friend, I'd give you the option to see the "other side". Please do not take offense, these are just two documentaries that I've seen where I can relate. I'm no crusader, it's just interesting to me.
10. last I heard North Korea was saying that the US was basically making a declaration of war against them (or something to that effect). However, the news has been overwhelmed with the deaths of Farah Fawcett and, more "notably" Michael Jackson. Can I just say, I'm SICK of seeing news reels and headlines regarding MJ's kid, Paris, crying and exclaiming what a great father he was, etc. It's sickening. The media needs to let it go. Yes, Michael Jackson will be more famous in death than life. Let it happen people, let it go. Unfortunately there is more going on with this world than the death of a pop star, regardless of his fame. Sad but true.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's official....
Almost 3 weeks ago Seam attended a management job fair for a company called ALDI. Many of you may have heard of this company in recent days on the news. It's a grocery store chain coming to the North Texas area. They actually have almost 1000 stores in the US already (it's a European company), all of which are in the Eastern US. While we've heard GREAT things about the company from employees regarding pay and benefits, we've only heard, well not necessarily negative but not great, things from customers. So, essentially it's a toss up and a big risk but an amazing opportunity. From what I've read, this store is essentially the equivalent to an IKEA of grocery stores. They have mostly private label products but they're all made from the major manufacturers, i.e. you can buy cheese there called Craft but it's made by Kraft...that sort of thing, not exact but you get the idea. So, after every interview he felt it was a bust but they kept calling him back, this past Monday he attended his 4th interview and was offered the job but it was conditional on a background check and drug test. Well I knew those would pass, so it was only a matter of time. The DETAILS, however, are still not quite there. I mean, we know what the pay is for training, we know they pay $400 additional for incidentals per month in training and we know they will pay for rent while in training. What we DO NOT know is WHERE the training is...since there is no store in TX yet, it will not be here but they claim it will be close to Texas. Ok, that's where the concern comes into play. I only say this because I refuse to live in Oklahoma or Kansas...ANYWHERE else and I'm ok. We don't even know if they will pay for moving expenses or current lease obligations...we just don't know. All I know is that I may be needing to find a new job in a different city soon, or if it's CLOSE (aka OK) then I'll have to get used to living alone for the time being. I mean, I honestly see no point in moving to somewhere 3 hours away and possibly losing my job because of it...right? So for now, those are the details...I just wish I knew more.....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Gas Station...
The moral of this story...if you ever see ME at a convenience store and my total is $500, you have my permission to slap the crap outta me! Hmmm, now I'm wondering if he won anything.